Children and Vision

Vision is not simply being able to see 20/20, but it is a collection of all the visual skills developed throughout childhood and into adulthood. The development of vision is influenced by both our genetics and our interactions with the surrounding environment as we grow. Having routine eye examinations is important to ensure that your child can reach their full potential through vision.  

Vision plays a significant role in learning, about 80% of children’s learning is through vision. Good visual skills are essential for academics, extracurriculars and sports. For example, an optimized visual system is needed to track a ball and then through eye-hand coordination, be able to catch it. Unfortunately, about 1 in 4 school aged kids have a diagnosed visual problem. Any undiagnosed and untreated vision problems can affect a child’s learning.  

As such, evaluating children’s eyes early and routinely can set them up for success. Routine eye examinations can check if their eyes are developing properly and allow for prompt treatment if needed. Children can be seen as early as 6 months old and then annually from then on. Contact us now and we would be happy to help you book your child for a comprehensive eye examination! 

How do I know if my child needs a comprehensive eye exam? 

Your child should have a comprehensive eye exam routinely even if there are no visual issues. But you should prioritize an exam if you notice any of the following: 

  • Skipping words or lines while reading or copying 

  • Poor reading comprehension 

  • Holding books/papers too closely when reading 

  • Using a finger/marker to read 

  • Blurred or double vision when reading 

  • Confusing similar letters (like p, b, d, q) 

  • Eyestrain or headaches with schoolwork or computer use 

  • Poor attention span 

If there are any other concerns or visual complaints, you can contact us and we would be happy to help you book your child for a comprehensive eye examination! 

Is a vision screening adequate to assess my child’s eyes? 

It must be noted, vision screening and comprehensive eye exams are not the same thing. A vision screening tends to only assess clarity of vision, but it does not assess the whole visual system, which means visual problems may go undiagnosed. A child can have 20/20 vision but could still struggle with school/activities if their other visual skills are poor.  

If your child has only had a vision screening, we would be happy to see your child for a comprehensive eye examination to catch any undiagnosed visual problems and recommend prompt treatment. Contact us now so that we can help you book your child for a comprehensive eye examination!